Meeting God and Finding Help Where You Are

A Cultivated Life in Christ

When we built our home, it stood on little more than a muddy, empty lot at the end of a gravel road. We needed grass, trees, and shrubs to match ...

Living Like Jesus

Why Should We Help? Loving Our Neighbors

We are surrounded by needs of many kinds. Are we willing to see the needy around us the way God sees them?

Life Struggles

When We Just Can’t Stop - Overcoming Addiction

Why can’t we let our addictions go? In part, it’s because they promise to do things for us—things we’ve come to believe we can’t survive without. Unless we are open to discover and replace our addictions with something more promising, they will continue to draw us back the way bugs are drawn to a light.

Spiritual Growth

Clinging to Hope

Some of the biggest tempests come within our own families and among our closest friends. We have little control over other people’s actions and responses, but we do have control over our own.


Walk with Me: Traveling with Jesus and Others on Life’s Road

Such experiences typically motivate one of three responses in us. We either avert our gaze from the tragedy; we look on in a prurient, unhealthy fascination; or we dig deep to find something in common with the one suffering.

Life Struggles

Jesus Understands Our Pain . . . and Offers Us Comfort

Life Struggles

Episode 10 - "Dealing with the Past" with Lecrae

We all, at one point, must reconcile with our past to move forward healthily and effectively. Of course, it isn’t always easy to get from point A to point B, but your life can be transformed in monumental ways when you do. Lecrae shares his story of dealing with his past and restoring his mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

Spiritual Growth

Recycled by God – Ephesians 2:10

Life Struggles

Self-Control Requires Letting Go