What do you do when the thought of reconciling with someone who hurt you fills you with burning anger and grief? This is a question I had to answer recently.
When I realized I had let bitterness and anger take root in me toward a lifelong friend, I didn’t know what to do. We scheduled a time to talk, and I found myself trying to cancel the conversation only hours beforehand. Honestly, I didn’t want a restored relationship. I wanted to say my piece and leave.
I knew this wasn’t right, so I told God all the reasons I was angry and all the ways I felt hurt. I asked him to speak to my weakness and pain. He led me to 2 Corinthians 2:8. Paul writes to the Corinthian church about resolving a conflict, urging them to “reaffirm their love” for the man who had wronged them.
That was my answer. It was also the last thing I wanted to do.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that as I shared all that had been weighing me down with my friend, I felt overwhelmed with love for him. It didn’t erase my pain or heal my wounds, but I felt lighter, and I joyfully affirmed my love for my friend.
Why It Matters
As followers of Christ, we are called to love others, even when it costs us. When Christ was arrested to be crucified, instead of defending himself, he chose love. He chose to die for the sins of the world. He even asked God to forgive the ones who killed him (Luke 23:34). Christ’s selfless acts brought reconciliation and freedom to all humanity. Now, we have the opportunity to imitate Christ, and give the gift of reconciliation to all involved.