Caring in Christ
Ms. Charlene, my friend Dwayne’s mother, is ninety-four years old, under five feet tall, and weighs less than a hundred pounds. Yet this do...
Reading the Bible
Why Read the Bible?
Read the Bible with an open mind. Check your presuppositions at the door and let the Bible speak for itself.
Reading Hope with the Black Church
A key element in the fight for hope has long been the practice of Bible reading and interpretation that comes out of traditional Black churches.
Life Struggles
Jesus Understands Our Pain . . . and Offers Us Comfort
Spiritual Growth
A Place for Doubt in a Growing Faith
Theology 101: Satan – Master of the Almost True
Satan’s great at approximate truth and almost Christianity.
In His Presence – The Habit of Spending Time with God
When Crisis Strikes
A crisis has been defined as any event that is going to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or whole society. One teacher described a crisis more personally as any event or circumstance that makes you fundamentally reorganize your life. Either way, crises shake us to our core.
In Pursuit of Jesus in New York City
I Can't Fix this Relationship - Now What?
God does not hold us responsible for results.
Learning to See – How to Read the Bible Well
Finding Your Testimony Style – 1 Corinthians 12:4
God Hears Her | Authentic Leading (with Brittany Jones)
Guest Bio: Brittany Jones is a wife and mom of two beautiful girls and a sweet Goldendoodle. She is a national speaker, writer, and ministry leader at her local church. Brittany is passionate about seeing people live in freedom and wholeness as they...
Why Reading Scripture Well Matters
A Pleasing Faith – Hebrews 11:6
Discover the Word | God, the Baker
Do you like bread? What kinds? Do you bake bread? Bread shows up throughout the entire Bible—over 300 times, actually. But it doesn’t just represent food, it comes to represent the story of the Bible and the story of the Gospel. In a way, you...
Ephesians 6
Episode 05 - "Racism and the American Church" with Jemar Tisby
Reclaiming Hope: Why We All Need Mercy, Justice, and Hope
What does it mean to live as a people who believe in God’s mercy and justice, and that they actually make a difference in this world? In our lives? These were some of the questions on my mind as I went for my morning run and listened to an interview with renowned justice activist Bryan Stevenson.
Remade in the Image of Jesus
Christian Beliefs
Reading Scripture: What Every Christian Needs to Know
Jesus, Justice and Women - Tiffany Bluhm
Have you ever found yourself in a place where you felt convicted to stand up for someone being oppressed?
Jaffa – Where Peter had a Change of Heart
Jaffa (or Joppa) is where Peter had a vision that defined the rest of his life. Walking through the story of Peter's experience, we begin to understand the importance it can have for us today. Just as Peter had to ask himself some difficult questions, so too must we when we understand that the gospel of Jesus is meant for everyone.
Open Hearts, Open Homes: The Call to Christian Hospitality
That Skill – Using Words to Invite Others Into Freedom
Episode 14 – “Being Techwise and Culture Making” with Andy Crouch
Mending a Broken Relationship
How to Correctly Approach Scripture
Bethlehem – The Birthplace of Salvation
The Hard Task of Reading Well
Are You The One? – Keeping Faith When Life Doesn’t Go Our Way
The Forgiveness of God
Justice, Mercy, and Humility – How We’re Supposed to Live
Episode 15 - "Building Bridges Between Cultures" with Rasool Berry
Letting God Heal Our Hate - Part 1
In Pursuit of Jesus in South Africa