A Humble Snack

The bag of snack chips was small, but it taught an American missionary a big lesson. Working one evening  in the Dominican Republic, she arr...

Unwanted Guests

Kyle and Allison had a wonderful honeymoon in an exotic location. When they returned home, however, they discovered that Kyle’s feet had de...

Traveling Mercies

You might start your journey in the southwest United States in a dusty town called Why, Arizona. Heading cross-country would take you through Unc...

Useless Without Love

After taking the pieces for my special-order table from the box and laying them out before me, I noticed something wasn’t quite right. The ...

The Whole House

Wearing his striped jumpsuit, James walked across the steamy jail gym and climbed into the portable pool where he was baptized by the prison chap...

Flexing Faith Muscles

During a trip to the zoo, I stopped to rest near the sloth exhibit. The creature hung upside down. He seemed content being completely still. I si...

Who Is Jesus?

Who do people believe Jesus is? Some say He was a good teacher, but just a man. Author C.S. Lewis wrote, “Either this man was, and is, the ...

A Teachable Spirit

It has become sadly “normal” to attack not only the opinions of others but also the person holding the opinion. This can be true in a...

True Freedom

While reading on the train, Meiling was busy highlighting sentences and jotting down notes in the margins of her book. But a conversation between...

Watching Out for One Another

Jose, a seventy-seven-year-old substitute teacher, had been living out of his car for eight years. Every night, the elderly man bunked down in hi...

The Dream Team

Together, friends Melanie and Trevor have hiked miles of mountain trails. Yet neither would be able to do so without the other. Melanie, born wit...

Food That Says I Love You

Hurry Up and Wait

You Can Do It!

Wisdom and Understanding

In 1373, when Julian of Norwich was thirty years old, she became ill and nearly died. When her minister prayed with her, she experienced a number...

No Greater Love

Commemorations of the seventy-fifth anniversary of D-Day in 2019 honored the more than 156,000 troops who took part in the largest seaborne invas...

He Knows My Heart

After a customer at a grocery store self-checkout station had completed her transaction, I made my way to the station and proceeded to scan my go...

Surviving and Thriving

Celestial Communion

Giving God My Work

The magazine I was writing for felt “important,” so I struggled to present the best possible article I could for the high-ranking edi...

Run From Sin

A Friend of God’s Friends

Something so cordial can happen in first introductions when two persons discover that they have a friend in common. In what may be its most memor...

God’s Provision

Three-year-old Buddy and his mom went to church each week to help unload groceries from the food ministry truck. When Buddy overheard his mom tel...

Walking with Others