The CEO of a frozen treats franchise went undercover on the television series Undercover Boss, donning a cashier’s uniform. Working at one of the franchise’s stores, her wig and makeup disguised her identity as she became the “new” employee. Her goal was to see how things were really working from the inside and on the ground. Based on her observations, she was able to solve some of the issues the store was facing.
Jesus took on a “humble position” (Philippians 2:7 nlt) to solve our issues. He became human—walking the earth, teaching us about God, and ultimately dying on a cross for our sins (v. 8). This sacrifice exposed Christ’s humility as He obediently gave His life as our sin offering. He walked the earth as a man and experienced what we experience—from ground level.
As believers in Jesus, we’re called to have the “same attitude” as our Savior especially in our relationships with other believers (v. 5 nlt). God helps us to clothe ourselves in humility (v. 3) and adopt the mindset of Christ (v. 5). He prompts us to live as servants ready to meet others’ needs and willing to lend a helping hand. As God leads us to humbly love others, we’re in a better position to serve them and to compassionately seek solutions to the issues they face.