“If Jesus were physically seated at the table with us this morning, what would you want to ask Him?” Joe inquired of his children at breakfast. His boys thought of their toughest questions. They decided they wanted to ask Jesus the most difficult math problems and have Him tell them how big the universe really is. Then his daughter replied, “I would ask Him for a hug.”
Can’t you picture the love in Jesus’ eyes for these children? I think He would be glad to comply with the requests, don’t you? I imagine Him bantering with the boys and opening his arms to the little girl. He might especially like the desire of Joe’s daughter for a hug, which seems to demonstrate a heart of love for Him and a desire for His love.
Children have a sense of their dependence, and they know that Jesus is strong and loving. He said, “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Luke 18:17). Christ longs for us to recognize our need for His grace, forgiveness, and salvation. He enjoys humble hearts that long to be near Him.
Is there something you’d like to ask Jesus? We’ve certainly all had our questions! Or maybe you just want to be close to Him? Run to Him now for that hug and so much more that you need.