God Hears Her | Felt Needs for Moms

Felt Needs for Moms

Show Summary: What do you think are some felt needs for moms? During the 2023 Momcon Conference, we were able to ask moms this question in person. We found that a lot of moms have the same needs, but it’s hard to find the time or space to have those needs met. Join hosts Vivian Mabuni, Elisa Morgan, and Eryn Adkins as they discuss some of those felt needs during this God Hears Her conversation. 


Notes and Quotes: 

  • "Rather than look at [children] through our eyes, we can just look at them." —Elisa Morgan

  • "God is with us and He is able to redeem and He sees us. His track record is faithful even if our circumstances are not." —Vivian Mabuni

  • "Jesus teaches you how to parent because He is the ultimate parent." —Eryn Adkins

  • "Our callings never change but our assignments do change over the course of our lives." —Vivian Mabuni

