Dear God – A Prayer for for Buffalo and Uvalde

We don’t understand why this keeps happening. How can someone willfully seek the harm of innocent people, of random strangers? How can our country be so torn with violence?

Dear God, this land mourns today. And we confess that we just don’t understand.

We don’t understand why this keeps happening. How can someone willfully seek the harm of innocent people, of random strangers? How can our country be so torn with violence? We come before you with hearts that are breaking over these cruel and senseless acts. We ask with your ancient prophet, “How long must this land mourn?”

To be honest, Lord, we are tempted to blame you. Forgive us for that. We know that we as a people share much of the blame. We have sought violence as a solution to our problems. We have placed our attention and our focus in our own success and fulfillment. We have neglected you and your call to seek justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you.

But we believe you seek our attention. And so now, in this crisis, we seek yours. We ask for your mercy. We ask for genuine hope, comfort, and relief for the inconsolable families that grieve today. We ask for a sense of your presence and peace for whoever is connected to the perpetrator. We ask for wisdom for the authorities, counselors, and teachers who must sort through this unspeakable pain to help the survivors. Most of all, Lord, we want to know your purpose in all of this.

Forgive us for not seeking you sooner. We mourn. We grieve. And we ask how long. Will you soon make things right? Will you show yourself powerful to us today?

Show us your mercy in a new and remarkable way. And may we as a people respond to that love, and in turn, love each other.
