Where David Hid from Saul - Cave in the Judean Wilderness

Where David Hid from Saul - Cave in the Judean Wilderness | The Holy Land | Season 2 Episode 2

This episode starts with Jack Beck doing what he does best—meeting people and sharing his love for the land and Bible stories. He then invites you into the story of how David transitioned from simple shepherd boy into mighty King all because he’d learned to trust God's perfect timing for his life. You'll understand why David had to hide from the king, and you'll experience just how intense his years of running and hiding were as Jack takes you into the dark cave. You can almost feel the surprise of David's men as Jack walks us through the story of David choosing to honor God's timeline when it seemed easier just to kill Saul when he had the chance. But we can learn from David's wise and humble decisions and find that when the Lord leads us into a personal wilderness, He will help us grow through it.